Request a Translation Quote:|086 4083 332
41 Dominick Street Lower, Dublin 1
Call Now Fast Service
Monday - Friday
10:00am - 05:00pm
41 Dominick Street Lower, Dublin 1

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Mainstream Translations provides quality translations in all language combinations. Our company puts the quality of our translations above everything. Thanks to our quality checks and proofreading works we can provide quality translations in a fast, efficient and consistent manner.

We strive hard to ensure our professional translation service offers the best possible translation at the cheapest price in Ireland.

We offer our clients our experience translating from and to any language delivering documents that reflect a high standard and great professionalism.


We cover a wide range of language combinations; however we are particularly specialized in the translation of European languages and the languages of Central & Eastern Europe.

We offer certified translations in nearly all languages. We can translate the following:

  • Manuals, technical documentation
  • Catalogs of all kinds
  • Corporate brochures, product brochures
  • Content from content management systems (Typo3, Contenido, WordPress, etc.)
  • Websites
  • Software, control software
  • Patents
  • Presentations
  • Contracts
  • Resumes
  • And many more
  • Our translations are performed by native speakers with extensive experience and qualifications.
  • Why should you choose Mainstream Translations to do your translations?  Because we provide quality translations at the lowest price in Ireland. Our goal is to solve the communication needs of your business.
  • For a translation quote, to place an order or request more information about translation services, please contact us by email today at: or give us a call on: 086 408 3332 or 016706333 and we will be happy to assist you!

Free quote in minutes!

1. Send the document(s) via email
2. Required language(s)
3. Simple or certified translation


“Great experience from start to finish. Everyone that I dealt with was friendly and professional. Reliable and reasonable. I highly recommend them.”

Charlotte - July 12, 2017