Mainstream Translations is one of the leading providers of professional Romanian translation services in Ireland. Our experienced Romanian to English and English to Romanian translators can offer the support that Romanian communities in Ireland require. Whether you are a local authority, legal firm, private person or any organization in need of expert Romanian to English and English to Romanian translation, you can rest assured of the consistently excellent quality of our Romanian translations which can be company certified, notarized or apostilled to meet your exact requirements.
At Mainstream Translations we only work with certified, qualified Romanian translators throughout the world to provide you the highest quality legal translation to the strict criteria that the country requiring your documents needs. Our highly skilled professional Romanian translators are selected based on their experience and special areas of expertise. Our thorough selection process ensures we deliver a service that meets with your expectations and all this at a reasonable cost and fastest turnaround.
We can also offer English translation of personal documentation for foreign nationals pursuing immigration to Ireland. Whether you need English to Romanian translation or Romanian to English translation, here at Mainstream Translations, we provide translations only by native sworn translators.
Mainstream Translations’ document translation service is for the official translation of documents that have to presented to local authorities for legal purposes. Moreover, we have an in-house sworn Romanian translator authorized by the Ministry of Justice in Romania and therefore our certified translations will be accepted by the Romanian Embassy in Dublin in case you need to present your translated documents to Romanian authorities. We can also assist with apostille legalization on original documents provided they were issued in Ireland.
Some common certified document translations include:
- Birth Certificate Translation
- Marriage Certificate Translation
- P60 certificate Translation
- P45 certificate Translation
- Tax credit certificates Translation
- Court Judgments or Divorce Decrees Translation
- Criminal Record certificates translation
- Will or Testament Translation
- Academic Degrees Translation
- Diplomas Translation
- Adoption Papers Translation
- Naturalization Papers Translation
- Immigration Documents Translation and many more. Our translation office is conveniently located in the city centre of Dublin: 62 Dame Street, which is one of the main streets of the capital city and we are open from 10.00 to 18.00, Monday to Friday.
- If you require our company’s assistance in organizing your file for Irish Naturalization or for providing certified copies of your original documents please feel free to contact us, we have proven experience in this field.
If you are looking to get a quote, if you have any queries or if you would like to translate your documents as soon as possible, send us an e-mail at: or give us a call at: 086 408 3332 or 016706333 and we will reply to you promptly!