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41 Dominick Street Lower, Dublin 1
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10:00am - 05:00pm
41 Dominick Street Lower, Dublin 1

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You might be required to translate your Italian birth certificate in order to prove your existence, your origins and citizenship. If you need a certified professional translation of your Italian birth certificate, then Mainstream Translations, based right in the city-centre of Dublin, could be the place you are looking for.

Mainstream Translations has many years of experience and will deliver professional and accurate birth certificate translations both from and into Italian in Dublin and across Ireland. We can offer the fastest translation services at the lowest possible price.

We have extensive experience in providing certified translations of Italian birth certificates in UK or Ireland and our translators are all Italian native speakers and highly specialised in the translation of personal documents. Our extraordinary flexibility as regards client needs results in the professional and reliable Italian translation service that our clients value. They can rest completely assured of the consistently excellent quality of our Italian translation services.

Mainstream Translations also assign every translation to the most appropriate specialized team of highly qualified Italian proofreaders and editors, thus guaranteeing a consistent and excellent quality of Italian translation in this field.

We can also support you in the notarization procedures of your Italian documents as we work closely with solicitors and notaries, who always help us when it comes to legalisation and certification procedures, therefore ensuring consistent and excellent quality.

Birth certificate translations can be useful for several purposes such as civil weddings and marriage interviews or in case you are applying for the Irish citizenship. The professionalism of our Italian translators and their knowledge of the terminology specific to the legal systems of many countries guarantee a fully accurate and certified Italian birth certificate translation. We can also provide you with a certified copy of your Italian birth certificate, as we understand the importance of birth certificates which ensure civil rights (healthcare, city council, family allowances and others).

We offer you our best services for the lowest prices on the market in the shortest time without leaving out the efficiency and the quality! Our services are convenient: we can translate your certificate from scans, fax or posted copies so we do not necessarily need to see your original Italian documents as most likely you will need to submit them along with the translation to the institutions concerned.

Our aim is to offer the best possible quality of the Italian translations we provide, without forgetting the specific needs and time schedule of each client. We have many years of experience in this field, therefore you can trust us.

Contact us now if you need to translate your birth certificate from or into Italian and our experienced team will do its best to satisfy your expectations! If you are looking for a quote or you would like to translate your Italian birth certificate, please send us an e-mail at: or give us a call at: 086 408 3332 or 016706333 and we will be happy to assist you!



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2. Required language(s)
3. Simple or certified translation


“Great experience from start to finish. Everyone that I dealt with was friendly and professional. Reliable and reasonable. I highly recommend them.”

Charlotte - July 12, 2017